Monday 8 October 2012

Start Two-Doing it properly!!

Now unfortunately after a good start, I had some very upsetting family news which meant that my eating has gone off plan for the last week or so.
Believe me, a mixture of hospitals and driving does not make a good diet.
However with things hopefully looking a bit more positive I weighed myself this morning (12st 8.5lbs) EEK! Very upsetting, I am now ready for this Monday to be a proper fresh start as I hate feeling bloated and crap amongst dealing with other things!
Bear with me and hopefully I can bring the determination to make this work!
Jen Xx

Thursday 27 September 2012

Jen: Mid Week Two

So after the lovely realisation of losing 4 pounds last week, I have got some motivation which is always a good thing!
Monday: Breakfast was toast as usual whilst waiting for the Tesco shop at 240kcal. As my cupboards were slightly bare I made a batch of tuna, sweetcorn pasta at 406 kcals per portion. I weigh out my pasta so I get the correct portion size and then for two portions, use 1 tin of tuna, half a tin of sweetcorn and 1tbsp of light mayo so not too bad and a great filling dinner. My usual Aero mousse accompanied this at 109 kcal!
I did 20 mins on the bike burning 150 kcal, I do plan to up this when I have time as I know I need to do more exercise but that will probs be next week!
Tea was chicken wraps again, they are absolutely yum at 590 kcal so all in all my total consumption was 1275 kcal.

I have decided just to put a weekly weight on here as I don't know about anyone else but mine has a tendency to fluctuate through the week even though I eat well, for some unknown reason! I also need to check my measurements as every bit smaller is a bonus :)

My tesco shop came Monday night so with the rubbish weather, I was more than ready for my bowl of porridge (Golden Syrup flavoured, I have a BIG sweet tooth), it was 216 kcal but I struggled even to eat a small bowl. Don't know why, must be the texture, it always feels dead heavy to me but that's not an issue if I eat less!
Lunch was my tuna pasta again, it is really lovely but I am wondering if my weight fluctuation is due to an increase in carbs so may go back to soup again next week! I had an Aero mousse so total lunch was 515 kcal!
Tea was home made sausage casserole with 2 very small jacket potatoes! I used chipolata sausages so I feel like I get more meat without more calories, along with carrots, red onion, beef stock and a 1 tbsp of gravy granules! It was lovely sat in the warmth eating a filling meal looking out at the rain and was 716 kcal. Not great but with 20 mins on the bike thrown in burning 150 kcal and no pudding not overly bad! So all in all, 1297 kcal. I seem to be doing ok at sticking under this 1500 calories malarky but I won't jinx myself just yet.

Wednesday, I really struggled to get up, I am sure it is the dark rainy mornings and not just me being lazy but who knows! I had porridge again, still struggling to eait it though at 216 kcal. With it being Golden Syrup flavoured, it means I don't feel the need to add excess sugar which is always a good thing!
Tuna pasta with a mousse again for dinner (503kcal), I KNOW I'm a creature of habit but it is really filling and nice but like I said before, I do intend on making some soup for next week, chicken noodle soup to be precise :) as I need to take some more carbs out I feel to drop weight!
Only 16 mins on the bike tonight - 120 kcal which was me being lazy but I just felt rubbish so at least I still went on!
For tea, I had some stir fry beef strips so I added it to a rendang curry mix with thread noodles. It was 688 kcal but had a lot of protein in. It was the first time I've tried it and unfortunately although it had flavour, it wasn't spicy enough for me! No dessert but I did have a bite of my partner's McDonalds burger, only a bite mind, I felt very proud as we went to the cinema again and I avoided ALL sweet treats, go me :) !!!
All in all, my calorie consumption was 1298 kcal!

I know I've said it a couple of times, but seriously the best tip I can ever give is write down what you eat, work it out in each recipe you use as well because you can be surprised at the calorie content in your meals and it helps you watch out!

Monday 24 September 2012

Jen - Week Two - Getting the Hang of This

So one week down and all seems to be going well. I have overcome my first weekend and managed to treat myself and wait for it..........lost 4 pounds WOOOOOO :)
Very very happy!
I have learnt this week, the importance of weighing out my ingredients and portion size and also choosing your treats wisely and that you don't always have to give in to temptation at the cinema!
Home made takeaway dishes are much healthier and you get all your taste without the guilt afterwards.

I do plan to put pictures up once I have mastered it to show you my lovely food! Happy to say after this week and still feeling motivated that I think I've finally found something I can stick to!


Jen-The Dreaded Weekend

Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I can eat really well and exercise during the week without much of an issue, but come the weekend it's a different matter. One of the main things I am trying to stop is going out and drinking as it just causes me to bloat and put on weight and also costing me money that I know need to save for Christmas and doing my house up!
Needless to say, Friday morning was the start of my first hurdle! I had my usual toast to get me through the morning 240 kcals and was busy so it kept me going through till dinner.
Lunch was a small portion of cajun rice left over from tea which was even nicer as the spices had time to develop even more at 355 kcal, accompanied by an Aero mousse of course (very addictive) at 109 kcals!
Thankfully I had a busy afternoon so it took my mind of any snacking and when I got home, I jumped straight on the bike so I had no excuses for 27 mins burning 200 kcal!
After my bath, I wasn't that hungry but thought I had better start at least cooking tea as takeaways were beginning to form a picture in my mind and made a chicken korma, no rice in so I had a whole naan (my treat) and the total was 851 kcal. Slightly more than usual but I still felt like I'd got my Indian without the 1000 or so extra calories. Me and the other half decided to go to the cinema so that was also difficult, as we all know what treats are lined up in front of you. Happily though, because of eating beforehand and filling up on protein it meant I was full and ignored all temptation!
So all in all 1355 calories, think I'm slowly getting the swing of this!

Saturday was always going to be the more difficult day, as at least in work I can't shop or snack but I managed fairly well. No breakfast as I don't really have one at the weekend as I'm busyish in the mornings after a lie in!
I always like to have lunch out on a Saturday and it was no exception this weekend! I did however go through the menu with a fine toothed comb to see what would look healthy! I had five spice and chilli braised beef with noodles which was lovely. I was good and had all the beef and veg and only some noodles as there was enoough to feed the 5000 and would guess it was approx 700 kcal (trying to be realistic). Saturday afternoon was another cinema visit and again being full meant no snacking, think I may be on to something here!
It was decided that it would be a chill out night and we all love our treats, so me and my other half decided to do a Dine in for £10 deal, but worked out that instead of having everything if we only had a dessert OR a bottle of wine it was still £10 so we treated ourselves to the bottle of wine instead (less calories and more pleasure!!).
I did 20 mins on the bike burning 150 kcal, I was proud I even got on the bike on a Saturday to be honest and then had our delicious tea which was breadcrumbed chicken with lemon and herb butter and salt and pepper wedges at 660 kcal. This was followed by an ice lolly at 80 kcal and accompanied by my half bottle of white wine with diet lemonade (makes it last longer) at 240 kcal.
All in all, slightly over but not a bad Saturday as I still got my treats with 1530 calories!

Sunday, if I am hungover can be my downfall, full English, fish finger sandwiches, roast dinners, you get the picture so it was really good to wake up with a clear head and feeling refreshed whilst knowing I hadn't spent lots of money either!
No breakfast again but had more of a brunch as I went to the local pancake house in Rowen (it's amazing!). I had a savoury pancake with ham, cheese, mushrooms and sweetcorn which after googling all the ingredients worked out around 500 kcal. I was dying for some cake but my stomach seems to have shrunk as I was absolutely stuffed after my pancake.
I did however go to the local farm shop and purchase a slice of Apple Crumble Cheesecake (best thing EVER!!) to accompany my wonderful...NOT! afternoon of football!
I was supposed to be cooking for my week ahead, but with trying to budget and pay day a week away I didn't, BAD Jenny! Instead I did 18 mins on the bike whilst waiting for my bath and burnt 150 kcal!
I don't know about everyone else but I love my roast dinner and with the last week getting colder, thoughts of stews and casseroles were what came to mind!
I managed to get a garlic and herb butter spatchcock chicken from Tesco half price and had this with carrot and swede mash (healthy and nicer than normal mash!), 1 yorkshire pudding (couldn't not do) and gravy. All this came to 640 kcal, so my healthy but lazy roast! Usually this would also have lots of veg but as I said, it was time to be lazy! I also had my wonderful cheesecake, it is honestly the nicest thing ever and I am guessing it is approx 400 kcal but a well worth it treat.
So my weekend finished on 1390 kcal!

Friday 21 September 2012

Jen Day 4 - Tempted

So managed to get up in a fairly decent mood today and lost another 3/4 of a pound so must be doing something right :)
Breakfast was my usual toast 240 kcal, I do intend on cooking some porridge up over the weekend and a few other things as I have a tendency to get bored!
Lunch was pea and ham soup with bread and an Aero mousse at 474 kcal and with the crappy weather, it was lovely.
I had a busy day in work mixed with a horrible headache so didn't eat anything in the afternoon but was ready to slump when I got home!
 No exercise today as Thursday is cleaning day, so even though every part of me was screaming no, I still cleaned and quite frankly I believe it's still exercise! When I had finished, the binge monster awakened as usually after cleaning and a bath, it's takeaway time and mixed with a headache, I'm not going to lie I sooo wanted one but it is only week one and I was determined.
So instead, I had a Colman season and shake Cajun chicken rice which I have to say was absolutely delish! It is basically brown rice, chicken, peppers, onion and chopped tomatoes with the spice mix. I added sliced pepperoni but you don't have to! Per serving it's 355 kcal and full of flavour, but with my added pepperoni and slightly bigger portion, mine was about 505 kcal but still really good!
For my sweet treat I had a Tesco Finest Fresh Orange Ice Lolly (80kcal), they're really refreshing and dead low cal too!
So all in all, 1299 kcals today, not bad and I have over come my first hurdle :) go me!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Mum Day three

Day 3

Still got up to late to exercise today, Jen and I clearly seem to have same problems in the morning. Did have a low fat ski yoghurt for my breakfast (113 cals) which I thought was good, but was really hungry by mid- morning. Was less hungry when I skipped breakfast, go figure :)

Lasted until lunchtime and then had a baked potato with vegetable chilli (350 cals) which was good in a calorie sense but not great in the try to eat protein and reduce carbs stakes, which probably means I will be very hungry later. Am currently craving sweet stuff, really must get some mints for my drawer at works as that always really helps stave off sweet cravings after a meal. Am now going to keep really busy this afternoon so that I try not to think about good. Will also contemplate whether I dare take my measurements tonight, as as my daughter says, if a better judge of results. Weight was scary enough though, not sure I Can bring myself to find a tape measure as well.

Well got too hungry late afternoon and headed for the crisps, but did at least stick to quavers so only 88 cals. Was late getting home but cooked healthy meal, salmon fillet with stir fry veg and noodles (650 cals) but unfortunately could not resist the red wine, and had a large glass (200 cals)

So 1400 cals not so great but not a disaster. But will definitely not make two alcohol free days as am out on business tomorrow night which will guarantee at least a glass of wine and am away at the boat show for the weekend. Hey whos kidding there self, can't avoid alcohol at the weekend whatever. Was early a bad time to start, but in all honestly when's a good time and did realise that Ammon IDE my 14 weeks or a stone if I don't start now.

I have avoided the scales since Monday, which is unusual as I am an addicted weigher so not sure if any progress and definitely not enough courage for the tape measure tonight. Might weight myself in the morning :) it is helping keeping the blog as I am noting everything so how know this might bea a real life change. Need to work out how to merge this with my daughters blog as that was e general pan and she is doing so very well. Any help very welcome :)

Jen: Day 3 and coping well :)

So mid way through week one and I'm feeling good which is great as it usually means I've found something I can stick to, but I won't jinx myself before the first weekend!
Sleepy and grouchy again this morning but think its time for a lie in this weekend to sort that out and lost another 3/4 of a lb woohoo!
Breakfast was the usual toast at 228 kcal, I am planning to do a cook in on Saturday so hoping to do some porridge and muesli for next week when I have had chance to rediscover my domestic goddess!
Lunch was pea and ham soup, one of my favourites yum along with whole meal bread and an aero mousse clocking up to 464 kcal.
Busy day today so no time for an afternoon snack so I was starving by the time I got home, which is normally risky but jumping on the bike whilst tea was in the oven staved off those hunger pangs!
20 minutes and 150 kcals burnt today, slow and steady wins the race and all that!
Tea was Cajun baked salmon with spicy sweet potato and red onion wedges adding up to 457 kcal and it was delish! Another aero mousse to top the night off at 109 kcal.
So all in all probs my most successful day yet at 1108 calories, haven't felt so determined in ages and it's bloody lovely!

Week One - The Reckoning

Jen:     So here we are, Monday, the day of reckoning. The scales have told me I am 12st 7 and 3/4lbs, yes I am horrified but at least that will motivate me! I also took my measurements as well because even if you don't lose much lbs wise, it's surprising what you can lose in inches!
Hips - 42"  Waist - 37"  Thighs - 21"  Arms - 11"
I got up late which is never a great mood starter for the day, mixed with a head cold so every instinct is crying out for junk but I will defeat it!
Breakfast was a toasted wholemeal bagel with low fat spread at 271 kcal, not too bad and it keeps me satisfied until dinner after a busy morning.
Lunch time and with the cold weather, I am once again becoming a soup queen (although for now a shop bought one) and it was Tomate and Mascarpone Soup (170kcal), 2 slices of bread (160kcal) and a white chocolate Aero Mousse (108 kcal). So not too bad altogether and it fills me up. The Aero mousses are great if you have a sweet tooth like me as you get all the enjoyment of a chocolate bar and not all the calories!
Mid afternoon I tend to hit a slump so I had a handful of almonds at 163kcal which saw me through until home time.
I managed 27 minutes on the exercise bike at home, great to do whilst catching up with your TV programmes and also handy if your tea involves oven cooking, so that was 200 kcal burnt!
Tea was smoked salmon pasta at 620 kcal, slightly more kcals that I wanted to use, but a lot of protein and using wholewheat pasta. My tip at the moment is always measure out your pasta as it's surprising how wrong you can get it! Also had an Aero biscuit at 99 kcals, yum!
So one day down and 1391 calories consumed which brought me under my allotted 1500 so no complaints and I still enjoyed my food!

Day 2, I really need to start getting better at getting up, still not feeling 100% but lost 1lb and a quarter so that buoyed me up for my day ahead!
Breakfast was 2 pieces of wholemeal toast and low fat spread - 208 kcal.
Handy tip - If you like to slather butter on like me, then you will notice the calories are done in teaspoon sizes. I now use a teaspoon to measure out and then my knife and find it helps me use less butter. For two slices of toast, I'd probably say about 1.5 tsp!
Lunch was the same as yesterday and with the cold weather was a treat, so 438kcals again!
Had half a portion of almonds today at 83kcal but found I was still just as full!
Was feeling more under the weather today so only did 15 mins on the bike whilst my bath was running, but still 100 kcals burnt!
Tea was one of my new favourites, the So Juicy Mexican Chicken. I have it with 2 wraps and usually cheese but decided to go without as it's full of flavour and veg! That was 590 kcal and was good as ever. Definitely recommend it! Again I had an Aero mousse, but you've got to have something nice otherwise the binge monster will awaken!
Total calorie consumption today was 1326 kcal so seem to be finding it ok keeping under 1500 kcal!
My one main help is writing everything you eat down so you can work out whether you can have that bit of a treat or not!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Beginning

Jen's beginning:
Well I suppose the best way to start this is to explain why it was created.
After getting to my ideal weight a few years ago, various hormone treatments, operations and yummy food have brought me to a point where I am unhappy with the way I look and it is getting me down. Up until early this year I had managed to lose 2 and a half stone but hit a rut where I began kidding myself I was managing my weight.
Six months and nearly a stone and a half later I am at that point where enough is enough, I am fed up of seeing 12 and a half stone on my scales and am ready to put in a whole load of effort to be 9 stone again, not only for vanity but also for health. I'm not going to lie, an upcoming trip to Barbados in near 6 months time is also a huge motivation as it'd be lovely to have some holiday photos I can put up around the house and be happy with. I know I'm by all means not the biggest woman in the world but I want to feel confident and be able to go in to a shop and not get upset when styles I used to suit, make me look like a heffalump.
So that brings me to now, this blog, me and my mum last week were having the discussion that we had both put on weight (she looks great by the way but we all have our own hang ups) and she was saying that shed love to find something where we could motivate each other. We settled on the idea of a blog where we could both say how our days eating and exercise had gone and put tips on for each other to try as well as spur each other on.
Christmas was decided as our first target, I would like to lose 2 stone whilst mum would like to lose a stone and so it begins! Both of us have tried numerous diets and at least from my point of view, although some work short term, I always find they aren't entirely realistic to keep to as a life plan for eating, so my plan is to cut down on calories but being a keen cook and baker, finding a way to do so where I don't find I'm surviving on a lettuce leaf!
I inputted my details on to various different websites for diets and weight loss and although each came out at different ends of the scale with calories, the most sensible ones all seemed to say the same thing; to lose 2 pounds a week, your best bet is to reduce your food intake by 500 calories per day and the obvious....exercise (my slight pet hate)!
My other issue I always find, is that trying to eat excessively healthy means I am more likely to binge and also it turns out ridiculously expensive (yes I am a bargain hunter). I know that if anyone is reading this then they might think here we go, does she not realise all you have to do is cut down on crap and carbs (tried carb free by the way, works really well until you try to include a slight amount of carbs back!) but I still want the flavour and enjoyment I can get from a takeaway or home cooking without the guilt afterwards!
So finally after rambling on, I am ready to start, jens diary on how to lose weight on a budget without losing enjoyment in your food :)
Enjoy the ramblings of two crazyish women and you never know, maybe we can help someone else out there!Xxx

Julie's beginning:

Well off I go. Determined to lose a stone by christmas. I'm 47 and a scary 165 lbs, sadly with the best will in the world, a lb a week is the most I can lose, so there's just about enough time. So target pre Christmas is 151 lbs and then after Christmas another 7 lbs.

My gorgeous daughter Jen is 21 and is going to do this as well, but wants to lose two stone by Christmas or 2lbs a week and wee are both hoping that crating this blog will help us.

My plan firstly is to try and get on the treadmill or exercise bike 3 or 4 times per week, to mostly eat low carb, to try to stick to about 1200 cals per day may be 200/300 more at the weekend and to try to break my really bad habit of drinking every night by having at least two night a week off and building up to eventually stopping alcohol Monday to Thursday.

So, day one yesterday, got up too late to go on treadmill and no way I will do after work sommustbget up early tomorrow. Missed breakfast, not good, so snacked on 2 biscuits (100 cals) mid morning. Had tuna mayo salad for lunch and an apple (350 cals), v.good. Got home from work and snacked on 2 ryvita, but spoiled with butter (at least low fat, 100 cals). For dinner had plan fried chicken breast with spray oil and ginger and chilli with mash and manger tout, v.good (500 cals) but with large glass of red wine (200 cals), so clearly not a non drinking day. So overall about about 1,250 cals, so not best start as no exercise but not too bad.

Day two today, better. Managed 20 mins walking at 4 mph on treadmill with incline. Needs to be more but at least I got up. Straight into meetings at work so no breakfast again, really must work on this. Managed or to snack though as too busy and good lunch again, tuna salad on and tangerine (350 cals). Had a small apple mid afternoon (50 cals). Went out for dinner, but very good, stuck to diet coke, well done Julie :), baby steps. Ate chilli and rice with a handful of tortilla chips, quite small so I think about 600 cals. Had a cube of dark chocolate and 3 jelly beans when I got home, about 70 cals, so overall 1,070 cals and some exercise, a good day.