Thursday 27 September 2012

Jen: Mid Week Two

So after the lovely realisation of losing 4 pounds last week, I have got some motivation which is always a good thing!
Monday: Breakfast was toast as usual whilst waiting for the Tesco shop at 240kcal. As my cupboards were slightly bare I made a batch of tuna, sweetcorn pasta at 406 kcals per portion. I weigh out my pasta so I get the correct portion size and then for two portions, use 1 tin of tuna, half a tin of sweetcorn and 1tbsp of light mayo so not too bad and a great filling dinner. My usual Aero mousse accompanied this at 109 kcal!
I did 20 mins on the bike burning 150 kcal, I do plan to up this when I have time as I know I need to do more exercise but that will probs be next week!
Tea was chicken wraps again, they are absolutely yum at 590 kcal so all in all my total consumption was 1275 kcal.

I have decided just to put a weekly weight on here as I don't know about anyone else but mine has a tendency to fluctuate through the week even though I eat well, for some unknown reason! I also need to check my measurements as every bit smaller is a bonus :)

My tesco shop came Monday night so with the rubbish weather, I was more than ready for my bowl of porridge (Golden Syrup flavoured, I have a BIG sweet tooth), it was 216 kcal but I struggled even to eat a small bowl. Don't know why, must be the texture, it always feels dead heavy to me but that's not an issue if I eat less!
Lunch was my tuna pasta again, it is really lovely but I am wondering if my weight fluctuation is due to an increase in carbs so may go back to soup again next week! I had an Aero mousse so total lunch was 515 kcal!
Tea was home made sausage casserole with 2 very small jacket potatoes! I used chipolata sausages so I feel like I get more meat without more calories, along with carrots, red onion, beef stock and a 1 tbsp of gravy granules! It was lovely sat in the warmth eating a filling meal looking out at the rain and was 716 kcal. Not great but with 20 mins on the bike thrown in burning 150 kcal and no pudding not overly bad! So all in all, 1297 kcal. I seem to be doing ok at sticking under this 1500 calories malarky but I won't jinx myself just yet.

Wednesday, I really struggled to get up, I am sure it is the dark rainy mornings and not just me being lazy but who knows! I had porridge again, still struggling to eait it though at 216 kcal. With it being Golden Syrup flavoured, it means I don't feel the need to add excess sugar which is always a good thing!
Tuna pasta with a mousse again for dinner (503kcal), I KNOW I'm a creature of habit but it is really filling and nice but like I said before, I do intend on making some soup for next week, chicken noodle soup to be precise :) as I need to take some more carbs out I feel to drop weight!
Only 16 mins on the bike tonight - 120 kcal which was me being lazy but I just felt rubbish so at least I still went on!
For tea, I had some stir fry beef strips so I added it to a rendang curry mix with thread noodles. It was 688 kcal but had a lot of protein in. It was the first time I've tried it and unfortunately although it had flavour, it wasn't spicy enough for me! No dessert but I did have a bite of my partner's McDonalds burger, only a bite mind, I felt very proud as we went to the cinema again and I avoided ALL sweet treats, go me :) !!!
All in all, my calorie consumption was 1298 kcal!

I know I've said it a couple of times, but seriously the best tip I can ever give is write down what you eat, work it out in each recipe you use as well because you can be surprised at the calorie content in your meals and it helps you watch out!

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