Wednesday 19 September 2012

Week One - The Reckoning

Jen:     So here we are, Monday, the day of reckoning. The scales have told me I am 12st 7 and 3/4lbs, yes I am horrified but at least that will motivate me! I also took my measurements as well because even if you don't lose much lbs wise, it's surprising what you can lose in inches!
Hips - 42"  Waist - 37"  Thighs - 21"  Arms - 11"
I got up late which is never a great mood starter for the day, mixed with a head cold so every instinct is crying out for junk but I will defeat it!
Breakfast was a toasted wholemeal bagel with low fat spread at 271 kcal, not too bad and it keeps me satisfied until dinner after a busy morning.
Lunch time and with the cold weather, I am once again becoming a soup queen (although for now a shop bought one) and it was Tomate and Mascarpone Soup (170kcal), 2 slices of bread (160kcal) and a white chocolate Aero Mousse (108 kcal). So not too bad altogether and it fills me up. The Aero mousses are great if you have a sweet tooth like me as you get all the enjoyment of a chocolate bar and not all the calories!
Mid afternoon I tend to hit a slump so I had a handful of almonds at 163kcal which saw me through until home time.
I managed 27 minutes on the exercise bike at home, great to do whilst catching up with your TV programmes and also handy if your tea involves oven cooking, so that was 200 kcal burnt!
Tea was smoked salmon pasta at 620 kcal, slightly more kcals that I wanted to use, but a lot of protein and using wholewheat pasta. My tip at the moment is always measure out your pasta as it's surprising how wrong you can get it! Also had an Aero biscuit at 99 kcals, yum!
So one day down and 1391 calories consumed which brought me under my allotted 1500 so no complaints and I still enjoyed my food!

Day 2, I really need to start getting better at getting up, still not feeling 100% but lost 1lb and a quarter so that buoyed me up for my day ahead!
Breakfast was 2 pieces of wholemeal toast and low fat spread - 208 kcal.
Handy tip - If you like to slather butter on like me, then you will notice the calories are done in teaspoon sizes. I now use a teaspoon to measure out and then my knife and find it helps me use less butter. For two slices of toast, I'd probably say about 1.5 tsp!
Lunch was the same as yesterday and with the cold weather was a treat, so 438kcals again!
Had half a portion of almonds today at 83kcal but found I was still just as full!
Was feeling more under the weather today so only did 15 mins on the bike whilst my bath was running, but still 100 kcals burnt!
Tea was one of my new favourites, the So Juicy Mexican Chicken. I have it with 2 wraps and usually cheese but decided to go without as it's full of flavour and veg! That was 590 kcal and was good as ever. Definitely recommend it! Again I had an Aero mousse, but you've got to have something nice otherwise the binge monster will awaken!
Total calorie consumption today was 1326 kcal so seem to be finding it ok keeping under 1500 kcal!
My one main help is writing everything you eat down so you can work out whether you can have that bit of a treat or not!


  1. Well done Jen, a really good start, just working out how to get my post onto your blog (help if you know) so we can share

    1. We need each others Log in details so we can add on!xx
