Wednesday 19 September 2012

Mum Day three

Day 3

Still got up to late to exercise today, Jen and I clearly seem to have same problems in the morning. Did have a low fat ski yoghurt for my breakfast (113 cals) which I thought was good, but was really hungry by mid- morning. Was less hungry when I skipped breakfast, go figure :)

Lasted until lunchtime and then had a baked potato with vegetable chilli (350 cals) which was good in a calorie sense but not great in the try to eat protein and reduce carbs stakes, which probably means I will be very hungry later. Am currently craving sweet stuff, really must get some mints for my drawer at works as that always really helps stave off sweet cravings after a meal. Am now going to keep really busy this afternoon so that I try not to think about good. Will also contemplate whether I dare take my measurements tonight, as as my daughter says, if a better judge of results. Weight was scary enough though, not sure I Can bring myself to find a tape measure as well.

Well got too hungry late afternoon and headed for the crisps, but did at least stick to quavers so only 88 cals. Was late getting home but cooked healthy meal, salmon fillet with stir fry veg and noodles (650 cals) but unfortunately could not resist the red wine, and had a large glass (200 cals)

So 1400 cals not so great but not a disaster. But will definitely not make two alcohol free days as am out on business tomorrow night which will guarantee at least a glass of wine and am away at the boat show for the weekend. Hey whos kidding there self, can't avoid alcohol at the weekend whatever. Was early a bad time to start, but in all honestly when's a good time and did realise that Ammon IDE my 14 weeks or a stone if I don't start now.

I have avoided the scales since Monday, which is unusual as I am an addicted weigher so not sure if any progress and definitely not enough courage for the tape measure tonight. Might weight myself in the morning :) it is helping keeping the blog as I am noting everything so how know this might bea a real life change. Need to work out how to merge this with my daughters blog as that was e general pan and she is doing so very well. Any help very welcome :)

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